Monday, December 8, 2008

So every year there is this day after Thanksgiving called black Friday. It should be considered a holiday because it basically is as big as a holiday. It is rediculas, truly it is. It gets so hyped up and everyone gets so excited because they think you can get these killer deals, which I am not arguing with them there are some really good deals but for the most part the deals are not the greatest they are just alright. I know where I am from there is this mall called Jordan Creek and it is a huge mall. I went this year at midnight when it opened for black Friday and it was absolutely rediculas how many people were there. I had never seen so many people in my life waiting to shop. You walk into the mall they have free hot chocolate and live music playing, it is insane. I am the type of person that has no patience what so ever that is one thing that I could not do is be around that many people and wait in those kind of lines. I mean they might as well call it black Friday holiday or something.

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