Monday, December 8, 2008

As a college freshmen I was told to try to get involved in lots of different things to make you a well rounded person. So I tried to get involved in this program called BRUSH, but it fell through but I plan on doing it next year along with other volunteer work. I was involved in BRUSH which is beautifying house and whatnot around the Maryville community. I thought it would be a really good organization to do considering I enjoy helping people and making a difference for people. Unfortunately it fell through because there was a lot of confusion that went on. The purpose of it is mainly to just help people out around the community that don’t have as much as we do or are less fortunate than we are. You paint houses and just help people out in the community that need help. It is a very good thing to do and I think everyone should do it because it is a great thing to do and you feel better about yourself knowing that you made a difference in affecting other people’s lives.

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